Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Serving in Children's Worship

Dear brothers and sisters,
  How are you all doing? May you keep running for the prize in heaven. I am now serving in my church called Davis Chinese Christian Church (DCCC), and I serve in the children's ministry. I usually lead children's worship in the morning, and give them some lessons about the bible. Currently, I enjoy serving the children. Praise God that He uses me, and I have the privilege to serve Him. Please pray for me that I can manage my time well so that I can both serve and do my school work.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dear all,
  Greetings from Davis, California, U.S.A. May your life be blessed by our Father. I want to start updating my walk with God to you all, and I would like to have your prayers. I really need them because I am weak. I can't do His will by myself. I believe everyone is called to be a missionary; everyone is called to be a witness of God, and as a student and a church member, my mission field is my campus, and my church is my home. So this blog will be my newsletters blog, and I will try to update it once a month. Thank you for your support.

I also started another blog for my daily life. Check it out.

BIC(brother in Christ),